Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague
Accelerated Career Transformation
Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague

Specialize or Die™

How to Focus and Fuel a Brilliant Speaking Career

Discover your unique niche and develop your deep based content in synergistic, one-on-one consulting with Juanell and a writer who help you look at yourself objectively and define your distinctiveness . . . something you cannot accomplish alone.

What is it?

Specialize or Die™ is a back-to-back, focused, intensive 2-day consulting marathon that clarifies your uniqueness to the subject, focuses your career, and cuts your speaking career learning curve by two to three years on average.

What Do You Walk Away With?

  • A clear identification of your unique speaking topic and core message.
  • An understanding that you own your message and only you can deliver it.
  • Personal stories, uniquely yours, that support your one theme.
  • A skeleton outline of your book supporting your core message, and a manual/workbook that becomes the backbone of your speaking career.
  • Core Message Profile - this is the foundation of your speech, consulting needs analysis and the skeleton of your book.
  • Marketing Collateral that reflects your new message, such as:
        » Personal Motto or Catch Phrase
        » Keynote and Seminar overview - the "one page"
        » A focused full and condensed Biography
        » The uniqueness of your Delivery Style
        » A tri-fold, standalone, overview self-mailer brochure
        » Speaking Fees/Logistics
  • Career by Design - A customized one year planner that's based on the eight recognized competencies of the speaking industry. It is a personalized, concrete, yet flexible plan that supports your message and focuses on how to reach specific career milestones each month. This plan helps you reach your three year goals and five year vision.
  • Energy, passion and support that recognizes and identifies your greatness and potential, and sets challenging new levels of expectations for you to reach.
  • A complete audio recording of the session.

Jim Kirk, President of Corporate Magic

How do we do it?

  • Before the session, you complete a highly structured "self discovery process" that unearths your life's turning points and your stories that will support your core message.
  • A team of three: Juanell, the client and the writer. While Juanell helps the client through the coaching process, the writer captures and edits thoughts and ideas.
  • We mine your dormant wisdom: thoughts you have never been able to translate into a useful, concrete message
  • Collaborating with your input, we distill your message to its finest form
  • Think and speak! That's all you have to do - We do the rest while you watch your ideas unfold on a monitor
  • Three minds working together produce a special synergy no one can create alone
  • Each session is recorded, so you take home the only copy of the tapes.

Life After Specialize or Die™

After you've made it through Specialize or Die™, you follow the plan outlined in Career by Design to conduct your market research, test your keynote, and fine-tune your marketing collateral.

Continued support is provided in two ways: Informal email Q & A and for one year following the session Juanell will answer your questions by email and continue to support your progress.

Some clients elect a retainer-based consulting engagement. Juanell holds a clients "feet to the fire" through accountability coaching sessions every two weeks.

What do I do next?

For more information, fill out and submit the Speaker Background Form. Juanell will contact you to schedule a free 30 minute telephone consultation. During this consultation, Juanell will explore your current position and goals. Juanell will also share current research information on successful keynoting and provide valuable insight about the speaking industry. Juanell also helps you determine whether her program is appropriate for you.

If a good fit is determined, Juanell will send an information packet, including specific client references that fit your profile. You should then contact these references to obtain more information about their experience with Juanell.

Specialize or Die™ PDF

Juanell Teague