Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague
Accelerated Career Transformation
Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague
Juanell Teague

Margie Thomas

Margie Thomas, President of M.A.T. Consulting, combines her 15 years of management experience with 10 years of experience in training and facilitation to help organizations learn how to tame the chaos. Drawing from her degrees in Biology and Chemistry from Indiana University, she continues to study and work with the complex scientific processes of communications that make organizations thrive.

You will receive a personalized, strategic process and specific communications techniques to enhance leadership skills and job performance. Margie offers a variety of venues to learn her tools including conference keynotes, full-day seminars, workshops, executive retreats, on-site consultation and resource learning products.


"Wow! is the first, second, and third word that comes to mind. In the time I spent with Juanell I gained a sharper clarity and focus for my business and now have greater excitement and confidence in my message. I am marketing to organizations and associations that I would not have been able to touch before. I know that working with Juanell has taken years off my personal and business development."

-Margie Thomas

Juanell Teague